Saturday, May 30, 2009

My go with strobes and water drops

Beauty in water. It's kind of astonishing to me that while we use so much water all the time, rarely does the beauty shine out.

For my photo geek friends,
Nikon D90, 1/200th, F10, ISO 3200 (!!), zoomed to 82mm with a +3 macro filter.
These are straight out of camera. The blue ones are shot tungsten white balance.
Inspired by the Strobist post on water drops
strobist water drop
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Sunday, May 24, 2009

A great day.

New Beginnings

What a beautiful day today was. Coffee this morning, ease into the day, play with the kids in the yard. Took this of the tree in the backyard. Had a great evening at church, small group, but it was one of those services where things just 'worked'. Not perfect, but real, genuine. Went for some food afterwards, good talks.
Spring is here in the north (well our north anyways). Spring makes me think of new beginnings, new life, hope and promise. Things CAN get better. Inspiration can come. You can grow past the darkness that winter brought.
Get off your butt and go take a picture, have some fun, do something that requires some effort and make something cool.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Some photos I took of the flowers in a greenhouse that belongs to a family in our church. It could prove to be an neat project. I'd be interested in thoughts on this bunch.

All of these were taken with a D90 and a 35mm F1.8 lens.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

this is Aiden


This is Aiden. I love this picture. It breaks some 'rules' composition, but there's something about the moment and the expression that shows a part of who he is.

Your comments and critiques welcome, hit me in the comments.